High Paying US Jobs, Economic Empowerment


Revitalization of States through Federal Power

"Critical Field" Technology Innovation 


Maximized Profits on R&D and Investments

Prevention of Biochemical and Nuclear Proliferation


Homeland Security Technologies

National Council on Innovative Technology Commercialization

International Council on Innovative Technology Commercialization

Critical Field Innovations

Commercialization Programs

About Us

Commercialization Programs


... to energize national competitiveness, stimulate economic development at local, state and national levels, to identify future market winners and to assist them through an investment in advanced technology ...

"In this time of continually evolving technology, there is one constant: the need for strong strategic relationships." - Sam Albert

We are deeply saddened by the loss of Sam Albert - our friend and colleague, a great visionary and one of the founders of the Institute 

The American Commercialization Institute will dedicate the Center for Cooperation and Coopetition to Sam so that his many years of work in selflessly and generously helping others build and foster innovative technology strategic relationships will be remembered


Economical Value Programs Social Value Programs


Technology Innovation Assessment

Homeland Defense Value Assessment

Profit Potential Assessment

Dreaded Disease Cures, Medical Life Saving and Quality of Life Value Assessment 
Reorientation & Advisement by Field Experts Other Critical Field Technological Innovation Considerations
Grant Potential Assessment Chemical, Biological & Nuclear Non-Proliferation Value Assessment
Proper Incubation Location Assessment of Value to African-American, Native American and Other Minority Communities 
Time and Milestones to Investment Assessment Assessment of Value to Technologically Underprivileged Communities and States

New ACI Grant Application is Available -

 Download ACI Research Grant Form Dec 2003.rtf

Download ACI Research Grant Form Dec 2003.doc